The Gathering
We will not be getting to the dungeons until after this chapter. First of all, you might wanna go into that suspicious looking cave right there. Great, an old man gives you a wooden sword. Practically. . . a stick. We will get it upgraded later in this chapter. Go right eight screens and up one screen. Go into the cave and it turns out to be a shop. The bombs are 20 rupees. If you are a beginner, rupees count as money in this game. On your journey through the overworld, you will run into enemies such as octoroks, moblins, lynels, leevers, tektites, peahats, armos, and zolas. All of them can drop rupees when you’re done killing them. Go down once and left 4 times, and bomb the wall closest to the upper path. In there you will get a heart container. There are five heart containers in this whole game. Unless you want to try the second quest. Here is what it may look like almost every time you try to get a heart container.
Once you are out of the cave, go up twice, right twice, up once, and right once. You will come across some statues. Whatever you do, DO NOT, touch the statues from the front. Those are armos statues. Only touch them from the back. Move the right armos to find some stairs to a secret rupee. When you are out, go left once and up once, and yet again move the right armos to get another secret rupee. Go up once and bomb the wall on the right side of the stairs. Well what do you know? Another secret rupee. Go left once and you will come across a boulder. Bomb it and in the cave is a heart container/ red medicine. It’s either life or death. . . . just kidding the medicine restores your life. It’s worth another heart than restored life. Go right once, up once, and right twice. See that cave in the tree? That’s where the moneymaking game takes place. You can do it, but I will not give you instructions. Instead, go up to the wall and there is an invisible staircase near the middle of the upper wall. It’s a secret rupee.
Go left once and go up the stairs. An old man is here to give you a letter to the old lady who sells medicine. Go downstairs and go left once, up once, and left once. Go inside this mystical cave and it is a shop. It is selling the blue candle. It is formerly useless since you can only use it one time per screen. Go out and go down once, left twice, and up once to find another mystical cave. YAY!!!!!! A new sword. It’s twice as powerful as the stick!
Go out and go down once, left 3 times, down once, and right once. You will find a bunch of bushes. Burn the far right one on the bottom. Goodie! more money. Go down twice and burn the bush in the top right corner for more money. Go left once and burn the 5th bush from the right. The order is as if you are reading from right to left. After you burn the bush you will be greeted with more money! Go left once and burn the bush in the corner to find a shop. Seriously, why hide in the dirt? Anyway, this guy is selling a magical shield. Buy it, our other shield is useless.
The magical shield is actually 90 rupees. After you get the shield go down once, and burn the bush on the far bottom left to get some money. Go right 3 times, up once, and right once, to find a cave with a shop. They are selling arrows. You can buy the arrows later when we get the bow, but I’d recommend getting them now. After you get the arrows, go right once, and down once and burn down the bottom left bush for more money. Go down once and burn down the middle bush for some more money. Go left 4 times and bomb the top wall for some more money. Go left 3 times and go into the cave. There is an old lady in there. She will give you red or blue medicine. They both do the same thing so don’t worry. Take out the letter and show it to the old lady and she will sell you red medicine for 68 rupees and blue medicine for 40 rupees. Go left once, down once, and left twice and bomb the top wall for money. Go up once and right once and burn the 5th tree upward for some money. Go up once and left once and burn the bottom right tree for some money. Go right 3 times, up twice and move the upward center armos to find another shop and the blue ring. BUY IT!!!!!!!! It gives your original tunic twice as more defense. And you have a blue tunic!!!!!!
Level 1: The Eagle
From where you started, go right once, up 4 times, and left once and welcome to your first dungeon of the whole game. =)
The new enemies you will face here are keese, stalfos, goriyas, gels, bladetraps, and wallmasters. Yes, I said wallmaster. Go left once and kill all the keese in this room for a key. Go right twice and you will find some stalfos. One in particular has a key. Kill it and go left once. Unlock the top door and go up it. Kill all the stalfos in this room if it is absolutely necessary you need life. Go up once and kill all the stalfos you see. Go left once to find the compass. The compass is helpful because you can find the room with the triforce shard. After you get the compass go left twice, up once, and right once to find the dungeon map. Now you know what room the triforce shard is in. Go up once and kill the unusual stalfos for the key. Go up once and kill the goriyas. Go left once to find a staircase surrounded by blocks. For every dungeon item (not including the compass and map) they put it under the dungeon for some reason. Push the far left block upwards and head down the stairs. Here is your first dungeon item, the bow. The arrows are one rupee per shot fired. Once you are done, go right once, down twice, and right once. Kill the goriyas to get your next item called the boomerang. Go right once and get the key. Go up once to meet up with your first dungeon boss: Aquamentus.
He’s not all that hard. All you do is get close to his head and slash him. It’s that easy. He will die in 3 hits if you have the white sword. Once he’s dead, grab the heart container and go into the room to the right. YAY! your first triforce shard!
Level 2: The Moon
From where you started, go right 4 times, up twice, right twice, up once, left once, and up once to find your 2nd dungeon. This dungeon is not really the moon. I don’t know why it is called that, but live with it that Link will never be the first elf on the moon. Some new enemies you will face are ropes, moldorms, and the stone statues that you see often will now shoot you. Go up once and kill the enemies, head left once. Kill the enemies in here for a key. Go right once, down once, and right once. Kill the enemies for a key. Go up once and right once to find the compass. Go left once, up once, and right once to get the dungeon map. Go left once and up once, kill the enemies for a key. Go right once and kill the enemies and you will have your magic boomerang. Go left once and up once to get the key. Go right once if you want some bombs. We will need them for the boss. Go left once, up once, right once, up once, left once, and up once. Kill the enemies and head up to meet your second dungeon boss: Dodongo
All you have to do to defeat dodongo is to put a bomb right in front of his face. It should kill him after you feed him two bombs. Grab the heart container and head left to claim your triforce! =)
Level 3: The Manji
From where you started, go up once, left 4 times, down once, and right once. Enter the Manji! =) The new enemies are harder the hardest ones are the darknuts (have to be killed from behind) and bubbles which cannot be killed at all. Bubbles don’t hurt you, they make you not use your sword for a few seconds. The other new enemies are zols. They’re like gels only bigger. Go left once and kill the enemies if you want, all you need is the key. Go up once and kill the enemies for another key. Go up once and you will find darknuts. They cannot be hit from the front because of their armor and large shield. HEY! Why can’t the magic shield do that?! Go left once to get the compass. Go left once and kill the enemies and go down once. There is a staircase with our next dungeon item: the raft. It will get you over water in certain places. Once you are out of the staircase, go up once, right twice, and up once, kill the enemies for a key. Go right once to find the dungeon map. Go down once, kill the enemies to go right once, kill the enemies. Go up once to meet the boss: Mahandla
All you do is either bomb or slash this thing and life will go by smoothly. When you are done with the moving plant, grab the heart container and go up to the triforce. Don’t worry we only have 6 more dungeons to look forward to. =)
Level 4: The Snake
From where you started, go right 8 times and up 5 times. On your 4th screen upward, there will be a dock, you can use your raft here. Once you get to the island there will be a heart container. YAY! Get off the island and go left once, up once, left 6 times, down 3 times, left 3 times, and up once to find your dungeon. The new enemies you will face are vires, (creatures that will split into red keese when slashed with the white sword) and like-likes (creatures that will try to eat your magical shield) =(. Go into the dungeon. Go left once and kill the enemies in here for a key. Go right once, up once, and right once. This room is apparently. . . uh. . . dark. So whip out your candle and set up the flame. Go grab your compass and head left once, and up once. Get the key and go left once. If the room is dark, follow the instructions I just told you. Go up once and get the key. Head up once and right once to kill the enemies to unlock the door and head left once. To push the left block upward you have to kill all the enemies in the room (not counting bubbles) to make that thing budge. Push the block and head down the stairs to find the stepladder. Now you can cross short sections of water without using docks. Go left twice, up once, and right once to find the dungeon map. Go left once and up once to find. . . HEY! What’s he doing here?! This may sound weird but it’s true, sadly, Mahandla is now your average enemy. Kill him and go up once and right once. Get the key and go right once and down once. Kill the enemies to push the left block to open the door to face the boss: Gleeok.
All you have to do is slash his heads off and you’ll be fine. Watch out though, his heads turn into ghosts and try to kill you. Once he dies, grab the heart container and head upward to claim the triforce. We’re nearly halfway there.
Level 5: The Lizard
I would go to the dungeon, but first we have a few errands to run. =) Go right 8 times and up twice to find to floating logs and a heart container is on one. Now with our new and improved stepladder we can access it. Go up twice, left once, up once, left 8 times, down once, left once, up once, and left once to find some armos. Move the armos on the top row to the far right. YAY! A power bracelet. Now we can access warp points. Go left once, down once, left twice, and up once. You’re now in a graveyard. If you touch the graves you will find ghinis. Push the grave to the center right. This grave is on the center row. Here’s what you will find in the stairs.
According to the pic. you get a much more powerful sword upgrade. Making enemies easier to kill. This is the magic sword, not the master sword. Sadly, we don’t tackle the master sword until the third legend of zelda. Go down once, right twice, and up once to find a circle of rocks. Push the left block upward to find some stairs. Go down the stairs and go to the far right warp point. Go left twice and keep going up the endless staircase until you find the lizard. The new enemies you will find here are pols voice (bunny heads) and gibdos (the stronger version of stalfos). Go right once and kill all the pols voice for a key. Go left once and up once. Kill the enemies for a key. Go up once and kill the dodongos the same way I told you in the previous chapter. Go up once and claim your dungeon map. Go down once and left once to kill the enemies here for a key. Head down once and bomb the left wall. Kill the enemies and push the far left block to access some stairs. Go down them and you will find. . . NOTHING!? This is just a warp point through the dungeon. Go up the other stairs and head left once. Kill the blue darknuts and push the block to access some stairs to the dungeon item: the whistle. This will help you fight the dungeon boss. Head right once and down once to find a key. Grab it and bomb the left wall to find. . . HEY! What’s he doing here?! Don’t fight him, he will fight back! So, he will give you a bomb upgrade if you pay him 100 rupees. Go left once, up once, push the block, go up the other stairs, right once, up once, right twice, and up once. Kill the enemies and get the key. Go up once and kill the enemies and claim your compass. FINALLY! Go up once, claim the key, go left once, and kill the enemies for a key. Go left twice to meet up with. . . . Digdogger.
Digdogger is easy. All you have to do is play the whistle and it will shrink him. Now you slash him. Repeat this process until he dies. Go grab your heart container and head up once to claim your triforce. Sweet, halfway there to Ganon.
Level 6: The Dragon
From where you start the game, head right twice and push the left boulder upward to find a warp point. Go down the center staircase. If you are in desperate need for medicine, head down once. To get to the dungeon from the warp point, head down once, left once, and up once. To find the dragon. The enemies you will face are creatures called wizzrobes. They are like wizards that will move around and shoot beams at you. Go left once and kill all the wizzrobes to get a key. Go left twice and up once. Kill the zols in this room and claim your compass. Go up once and kill the enemies to get a key. Go up twice, kill the enemies to open the door. Go up twice and you will find Gleeok. This time he will have 3 heads. You know how to kill him so do it and head left once. Kill the enemies to claim your map. Go up once and kill the enemies so you can push the left block. Head down the stairs and you will get. . . . . . . . . a magic wand. =) head up the stairs and head down once and right once and go claim your key. Go left once and down once, get your key. Head down once and kill the enemies to open the door. Head right once and kill the enemies so you can push that block over there (bubbles don’t count as enemies because you cannot kill them). Go into the stairs and head up the opposite staircase and head down once, kill the enemies for a key. Head left once and up once to face the dungeon boss: Gohma.
Don’t panic. All you have to do is shoot arrows at its eye when it opens. Should take about 1 or 3 hits and she’ll be dead. Grab your heart container and head up once to claim your triforce.
Level 7: The Demon
We have to run an errand before we go to the dungeon. From where you start, head up once, left 3 times, and up 3 times to find a couple rows of armos. Tap the center armos on the top row to find some stairs to a shop. They are selling, what appears to look like meat. It’s bait, we need it for this dungeon. So, what are ya waitin for? BUY IT! After you get the bait, head down twice, left twice and up once to find an abandoned fairy’s fountain. This is the entrance to the next dungeon. Play your new and improved whistle to drain the water and what do ya know? stairs. That is the entrance to the dungeon. Once you are in the dungeon, head left once, up once and left 3 times. Kill the stalfos with the key and head left 4 times. Bomb the left wall and head down once. Get the key and head up 3 times for the last bomb upgrade of the game. Head down once and right once. Kill the goriyas to open the door to the right. Head through the right door. In this room are some stalfos and the compass. Grab the compass and head left once and up once. Kill the enemies to open the door. Head up once, left once, and up once to find a hungry goriya that is particularly harmless. Feed him the bait and he will disappear. Head up once to get the map. Bomb the upper wall to find a hidden room with some money. Bomb the right wall and kill the enemies. Head right once and kill the enemies not only to get the key, but to get out of this room. Head left once and down once, bomb the right wall and kill the enemies so you can push the left block upward. You will now get the dungeon item: the red candle. The red candle can be used as many times as you want no matter what screen you’re in. Head back up the stairs and bomb the right wall. Head right once and kill digdogger to get out of here. Head up once and bomb the right wall. Kill the wallmasters and push the center block on the right side of the room. Head down the stairs, go up the opposite staircase. Bomb the right wall to face the boss: Aquamentus. Yes, he’s back. You defeat him the same way but, it takes 2 hits to kill him this time. After the dragon-unicorn is dead, grab the heart container and head left once to claim your triforce. Only, one more triforce left.
Level 8: The Lion
From where you started, head right 4 times, up twice, right once, down once, and right once. Burn the bush that blocks the path and there’s your 2nd to last dungeon. =) In the dungeon, head left once. Kill the enemies to head left once. Kill the enemies to push the far left block and head down stairs. Here’s your 1st dungeon item: the magic book. It’s an upgrade for the magic wand. It can now shoot FIRE! Head up the stairs and head right twice and up once. Bomb the upper wall and head through. Kill the enemies to get the key. Head left once, get the key, head left once and kill the enemies to get the key. Head right 3 times to claim your compass. Head left once and up twice. Bomb the upper wall and head through. Kill Mahandla to claim your map. Head up once and you will find gohma. As you can see, she is blue. Shoot her 3 times to kill her and head left once. Kill the enemies and push the far left block and head downstairs. You will find the awesomest key of all. The magic key is reusable so you don’t have to worry about digging for keys. Head up the stairs and go left once, down twice and right once. Head down the stairs and go to the other staircase. Bomb the left wall and head through. Bomb the upper wall and head through to meet up with the boss: Gleeok. He’s back again this time, with 4 heads. Do what you usually do to kill him, grab your heart container, head up once and grab your last triforce. YAY! The triforce of wisdom is whole and now we can save Zelda!
Level 9: Death Mountain (Ganon’s Castle)
Now that the triforce of wisdom is whole, let’s go kill Ganon. From where you started, head right once, up 5 times, left once, up twice, and left twice to find 2 boulders. Bomb the left boulder and there lies Ganon’s Castle. The new enemies you will find are Lanmolas and Patras. Here is a map of Ganon’s castle.
Head up once and left once. Bomb the upper wall and head through it. Kill the lanmolas you see and push the far left block upward and go downstairs. Go up the opposite staircase and head right once. Bomb the lower wall and head through. Bomb the lower wall and head through to kill the enemies and get the compass. Go up twice, right once, and down once. Bomb the right wall and kill the patra at the other side. Get the map and bomb the upper wall. Go through the wall and bomb the upper wall yet again in the other room. Kill the enemies and push the far left block upward. Go down the stairs and you will FINALLY! find the upgrade for the blue ring. The red ring will be four times more defensive than the green tunic. And your tunic will turn red. Head up the stairs and go down twice, left once, and up twice. Bomb the left wall and head through it. Kill the enemies and push the left block. Head down the stairs and head up the opposite staircase. Head left twice. Kill the patra so we can access that staircase over there. Push the left block upward and. . . you know the drill. =) Bomb the upper wall and kill the enemies once inside. Push the center right block and head down the stairs. YAY! the silver arrows. We need these to defeat Ganon. Head up the stairs. Head down once and kill the enemies so you can enter the staircase to get back. Head up 3 times and bomb the left wall. Kill the enemies inside. Push the left block so we can access a staircase. There is another secret passage here. Bomb the left wall and kill the enemies on the other side. Push the left block and this is another secret passage. Kill the patra once you’re out. Head up once to face Ganon. Good luck with that cuz I’m not telling you how to kill him. . . . . . just kidding. =) Ganon will turn invisible and shoot beams at you. You have to find him by tracking down where the beams come from. Do this process at least four times. When Ganon turns brown, whip out the silver arrows and shoot him with one arrow. Ganon will explode and leave behind the triforce of power. Steal it and head up once. You will find Princess Zelda. Slash the flames and head up to Zelda. Well, grab some popcorn and see the ending of the game you just beat. Well done, you saved Hyrule.
Special thanks to for helping me beat this game and for inspiring me to make this website. Thanks to for helping me get pictures for this website. A very special thanks to Nintendo for making The Legend of Zelda Games.
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Long story short.
A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.
The slow horse reaches the mill.
Tit for tat.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
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Must you always get into a huff?
You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Once bitten twice shy.
It’s raining cats and dogs.
It takes two to tango.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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To carry coals to Newcastle.
If you run after 2 hares, you will catch neither.
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Marry in haste, repent at leisure.
To each saint his candle.
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